Spy Troops Wave 5 (Wave 8) - COBRA Commander

Since 1983 fans all over the world have been clamoring for a new version of Battle Helmet COBRA Commander. A new version of CC to be out in the battlefield leading his legions…and boy did they get it.

This figure is…amazing. I literally cannot put it down…it’s very similar to the feeling I got from the Wave 7 Destro upon first glance. Just moving the limbs, checking out all of the intricate detailing. It really puts a smile on my face to see just what Hasbro is capable of, but then makes me ask why every figure can’t be this terrific!

I’m the last person in the world to bash Hasbro…I think they’re doing some great stuff (and have done some great stuff). They honestly care about the consumer and really want the line to do well…but man, if they made every figure with the quality and attention to detail that this figure is made…I don’t think there’d be a mad Joefan in the house.

First of all, the mold…it draws from the original Battle Helmet CC obviously…but very loosely. Rather than using the traditional blue bodysuit, Hasbro went with a more realistic jacket design, which they are using to near perfection. Here, it looks seamless. The jacket is tacked up by a nice black belt with a very cool gold COBRA symbol belt buckle that looks great. He’s got a pouch on his left hip and holster on his right, although the holster almost seems backwards. The mold itself is plain, yet insanely well detailed with wrinkles throughout the entire mold…lots of them, yet realistically placed and each one meshing perfectly with the fold of the fabric.

Just to break up the mold a little, they threw in a great red roping around his chest and over the shoulders which is a terrific addition and much more effective than merely throwing some braiding on there. It has solidity and substance and adds a nice regal touch to the Commander. This all combined with the mold and sculpt of his helmet, the flair of his rubber cape…the jackboots. This IS COBRA Commander…I honestly cannot find myself wanting to use another figure for him.

Not only is the mold great, but this shade of blue is incredible…a nice deep, dark, royal blue not often seen in such a shade. It is really eye catching and makes for a great Commander color.
I cannot find a single fault with this figure at all, with the exception of possibly the odd backwards holster. His colors…mold…even though the weapons were rehashed, they were pretty near perfect for CC…this is what a G.I. Joe figure should be, and hopefully one day, what they will all be. A+ Hasbro…a true work of art!

All in all, Wave 8 was a successful wave, I would say. There were more good figures than bad, and it would seem the proportion problems are slowly ironing themselves out. With the advent of the “Standard Buck” starting with VvV (hopefully based on CC’ mold… ;) ) I am optimistic that we will continue to see good things coming out of the big “H” hopefully for years to come.




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